For over 25 years we have provided advertising to the creative arts and entertainments industry in Dundee. Dundee was the first City in the UK to try and combat fly-posting. Street Adverts was the driving force behind this back in 1996 with the help of Dundee City Council. With the pilot being a success it was then rolled out across the UK and is still the model used to this day. In 2013 the business was expanded into Perth following discussions with Perth & Kinross Council and we are continuing to expand our sites in Perth with the help of the council.

Our aim is to provide a network of affordable sites that the local community can use to help promote their event or business. Along with showcasing each citys cultural events we also work closely with the creative industry. We use a number of our sites for art exhibitions and with our experience help the council with reiterative projects around the city. Find out how we can help you and get in touch on our contact page.


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